Skip Parsons' Riverboat Jazz Band

Johnny Peppers - bass sax (part 2)


by Cliff Lamere    9 Jul 2010



Photos by Cliff Lamere

At the Fountain Restaurant, 283 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY.

June 12, 2010


Johnathan "Johnny" Peppers, of Water Gap, New Jersey plays bass sax, soprano sax, 

and contrabass sax.  He is also known as Johnny Pep and Johnny Peppercraft.


Johnny can be seen below playing the bass saxophone below.  



Johnny Peppers



Tim Coakley, Johnny Peppers, Rich Skrika  (L-R)



Tim Coakley, Johnny Peppers, Rich Skrika



Tim Coakley, Johnny Peppers, Rich Skrika



Tim Coakley, Johnny Peppers, Rich Skrika



To contact Johnny Peppers:




Phone:  908 489 0438


"I play with: Dr. Dubious and the Agnostics, Chuck Slate, Steven Dibonaventura, Mike Kuehn, Dave Greer's Classic Jazz Stompers (from Ohio), Drew Nugent & the Midnight Society, and Skip Parsons' Riverboat Jazz Band."



Many photos of Johnny Peppers can be seen on this website:


    Johnny Peppers on bass sax (part 1)

    Johnny Peppers on bass sax (part 2)

    Johnny Peppers on soprano sax

    Johnny Peppers on contrabass sax (part 1)

    Johnny Peppers on contrabass sax (part 2)

    Johnny Peppers, Jazz Musician

    Johnny Peppers with Clarinet Marmalade

    Skip Parsons' Riverboat Jazz Band 5


Johnny Peppers in photos on other websites.




bass sax
